Sunday, November 2

Recycling Project

We set up our recycling station collecting recyclables ranging from bottles to old T-shirts for our gardening purposes.

Thursday, September 25

Wednesday, August 6

Learning Festival & Singapore Garden Festival

GEC sets up a stall at the school's Learning Festival and Singapore Garden Festival.

Saturday, July 12

The Flower Press

The pupils had a wonderful time working with the pressed flowers last Friday. Before that, they collected some leaves,flowers and seeds from the previous nature ramble, when they were their freshest, and press when they were dried. The telephone directory books were used for pressing. Pressing flowers can be very gratifying, and the pupils were enjoying themselves!

Saturday, June 21

Final Judging of the Commnuity In Bloom Project

Yes, we have got into the FINALS of the Community In Bloom Project! A panel consisting of URA, NEA, Flora and Fauna Society, NParks came down to our Science Garden in 12th June for the final judging. Together with them were also pupil and teacher visitors. We're very happy to have the opportunity to introduce our Garden, clubs and programmes to them.