Monday, April 28

Earth Day Celebrations @TWPS

Earth Day is commemorated on Tuesday, 22nd April. On that day, we set up a booth to display the exhibits contributed by our pupils using recyclable materials. There were educational exhibit panels and games for our pupils. Pupils participated in the games to raise the awareness on Recycling, Reducing & Reusing. The Earth day Celebration is a joint collaboration of CIP/CME/Art/Science Club as well as Gardening & Environmental Club.
Let us be part of Saving OUR Earth !

Sunday, April 20

My Flower Is Blooming!

This is the Marigold plant grown by Joanna Toh, 6 Trust. It began with a seed, which germinated after almost a week, then grew into a seedling, and now its flower blooming. The plant owner sure has been taking very good care of it. Keep it up, Joanna!

Earth Day Sharing Conference 2008

16 Representatives from TWPS GEC participated in the Earth Day Sharing Conference at West Spring Secondary School last Friday,on 18th of April. Mr Wilson Ang, the founder and President of Environmental Challenge Organisation(Singapore) gave the keynote speech on his life missions,"to create and maintain a sustainable lifestyles and culture". This was followed by viewing of exhibition, and concurrent sessions given by various schools, topics covered included environmental initiatives,environmental and recycling projects,setting up of organic farm, framework for environmental education, social responsibility, etc.

Saturday, April 19

Nature Art & Photography 2

By Nur Fahyqa, 4Faith

By Ms Ong LC

By Ms Yip LK