Sunday, March 23

Science Garden Opening Day

We had our school's Science Garden Opening Day on 20th March. We have invited Mr Philip Nah from NParks, as well as SAC members and parents from PSG to grace the occasion. The programme began with a talk given by Mr Nah, followed by unveiling of the Science Garden's signboard, and planting of a fruit tree by VIPs in the presence of the guests, parents, staff and pupils at the Science Garden. Activities that followed included cookng demonstrations by parents and teachers, planting of plants in recycled bottles by guests and pupils,hydroponics demonstations and trial of the outdoor Science package by pupils.

Wednesday, March 12

Nature Art & Photography 1

By Vincent Loh, 4 Care

By Nur Fahyqa, 4 Faith

By Ms Ong LC

By Ms Yip LK

Tuesday, March 11

Hydroponics Planting

The pupils learnt about hydroponics in the Science Garden. Hydroponics is a method of growing plants using mineral nutrient solutions instead of soil. Plants may be grown with their roots in the mineral nutrient solutions or in an inert medium, such as gravel or mineral wool.

There are variety of techniques used. Here, the pupils begin by using the technique of growing the plants with their roots in the mineral nutrient solutions.

Teamwork was encouraged by dividing the pupils into groups, and each group was given a hydroponics package to set up.

Reading through the instructions given in the package and following the steps accordingly.

Helping one another during the process.

Finally, a job well done!

Planting Using Recycled Materials

Here's some of the plants grown by our pupils:

planted by Connie Tang, 6 Trust

Marigold and Chilli paddy
planted by Joanna Toh, 6 Trust

Bachelor's Button
planted by Anjana d/o Manimarin, 6 Trust

The pupils' plants are grown using recycled materials such as drinks bottles and plastic containers.

Love for nature is started by taking care & responsibility of the plants.

A Prologue of TWPS GEC

Teck Whye Primary School's Gardening & Environmental Club starts its new chapter in the beginning of this year with the following goals:

Short term:
1)To encourage pupils to grow plants as hobby and to instil responsibility on plants.
2)To learn the names of plants.

Long term:
1)To instill responsibility towards mother nature.
2)Able to diffentiate different kinds of plants / leaves and its usage.

Teachers in-charge: Mdm Masnah, Ms Ong LC & Ms Yip LK
Training time & venue: 2.30pm to 4pm, every Friday, at the Science Garden.